Pete Hughes Memorial Foundation
2nd Lt. Lloyd H. “Pete” Hughes, Jr.
Pete gave his life and the lives of his crew to carry out his assigned task. To the very end, he gave the battle every ounce he had.
Establish a physical memorial at Refugio High School (RHS) and a website in honor of and befitting a Medal of Honor recipient and his sacrifice that is enduring and remarkable by design and placement and which embodies the spirit of RHS students and graduates.
Resolution Adopted, The Pete Hughes Memorial Committee – July 2020

Building a memorial to Refugio’s own Medal of Honor recipient.
Donate Now to the Pete Hughes Memorial!
The Pete Hughes Memorial Foundation has prioritized fundraising and implementing a website telling the Pete Hughes story and presenting the preliminary design of the memorial.
A history of Pete Hughes’ early life — moving to Refugio, high school, college years, and the start of his military and aviation career.
The Mission
An overview of Hughes’ military career with the “Sky Scorpions” and commentary on his heroics during Operation Tidal Wave.
The Medal
The Medal of Honor is the United States’ highest award for military valor in action, honoring bravery, courage, sacrifice and integrity.
About the Memorial Project.
The Pete Hughes Memorial Foundation was created in 2023 and has prioritized fundraising and implementation of a website telling the Pete Hughes story and presenting the preliminary design of the planned memorial.
About The Memorial